wtorek, 5 sierpnia 2014

Portfolio review 2014 in Bratislava, Slovakia (November 07-08 2014)

Duet hueckelserafin, Laleczki, 2003    

Veronika Paštéková przesała informację o kolejnym Portfolio review w Bratysławie. Do dyspozycji jest 60 miejsc i możliwość rozmowy z przynajmniej 5 krytykami. Zwycięzca będzie miał indywidualną wystawę w czasie "Miesiąca Fotografii" w 2015. Tu w Bratysławie poznałem wielu znakomitych krytyków i fotografów, których wielokrotnie prezentowałem na blogu oraz na Safoto Web Galleries oraz w realnej rzeczywistości w Polsce, w Toruniu w Galerii Wozownia i w Łodzi w Miejskiej Galerii Sztuki. Dlatego zachęcam do uczestnictwa na Portofolio w Bratysławie.

I would like to inform You about oncoming Portfolio review 2014 in Bratislava, Slovakia in frame of annual world known festival Month of Photography (www.sedf.sk). It will take place on the November 7-8 2014.
Price for both days: 69 Euro
This year there are only 60 places awaylable

Please, if you have any possibilities, spread the information about the event among your friends, via mailing list, your website or blog. We can do the same in Partners and Links section. We could create a kind of network in this way.

Portfolio review is a meeting of professional curators, galerists,editors... with talented photographers. Your images will be seen by all these proffesionals - You will get interesting advices, new contacts and oportunities for Your further career.

There will be more than 20 reviewers - the list of reviewers from all over the world INFO: http://www.sedf.sk/en/moph2014/portfolio14/117-the-international-portfolio-review-2014. There is also info, how they can help to the participant, if they like his / herwork.
Every year the jury of all reviewers awards one person, who is the winner of whole portfolio review. He or she will have oportunity to have solo exhibition during festival Month of Photography 2015.
-  A Photowalk, enabling photographers to meet all reviewers 
(after Saturday´s sessions will every participant get a space (table and chair) to prepare his/her works. Reviewers will walk around, discuss, change contacts. This is chance to meet reviewers, You didnt have oportunity to meet during Portfolio review)
We found a partner - Hotel Tatra, which has special price for festival visitors. You will stay at the same place as reviewers do and as the portfolio review takes place. INFO: http://www.sedf.sk/en/moph2014/accomodation-during-the-festival

If You decide to participate
- you will be able to discuss your portfolio with chosen critics at the workshop (about 5 reviewers in two days in average, but usually more)
- you will make new contacts with people working in galleries, academies and magazines
- you will have the chance to be awarded as a best participant and to exhibit your works at the next Bratislava Month of photography 2015
- your work will have the chance to become a part of closing projection - final slideshow
- portfolios, which will be sent in advance, will be presented on our web:www.sedf.sk

We would be very grateful, if You helped us to spread the info.
Veronika Paštéková
Portfolio Review Coordinator

Central European House of Photography

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