czwartek, 11 maja 2017

XX International Contest of Digital Photocreation Cyberfoto 2017 (ROK Częstochowa, 28.04-26.05.17)

Konrad Chrzanowski is a new talented artist who tray visulizing the sound and combines it with face. I gave him a special distinction as the President of the Jury.

I put on this pmy text from catalogue in English version. I think that the Polish digital photography has developeted a new kind of art between old tradiction analog photography, grahic art and painting too. The compatition in Częstochowa shows us different posiblities of this activity. Please remebenr names like Patrycja Pawęzowska, Magdalena Samborska or Marzena Kolorz. Also we have a gruop of some artists which statred in this compation from many years, like Jacek Szczerbaniewicz or Ryszard Czernow which had in 2017 individual exhibition tilted Stilled Life, as  associated show, held in Konduktorownia, a new interesting artistic space. These works of Czernow belongs the most interesting on the filed of Polish digital area.

Foto by Sławek Jodłowski 

Photographs from the opennig, 28.04.17. Fot. Jarosław Dumański

Poster of the exhibition of Ryszard Czernow

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